Background on Social Skepticism

Social skepticism is kabuki, the activist-minded abuse of science by means of its underlying philosophical vulnerability, skepticism. An imperious agency which has politicized and enslaved science through teaching weaponized fake skepticism to useful idiots.

The social skeptic is a ‘science communicator’ who seeks to foment and exploit enmity between the lay public and science, for benefit of their own celebrity and syndicated influence.

Fake Skepticism (Methodical Cynicism)

Fake and celebrity skeptics generally define skepticism as a set of various self-licensed forms of scoffing, doubt, disposition promulgation, comprehensive denial of knowledge (de rigueur bullshit to appear academic in pedigree), criticism targeting only disdained objects or systematic culling of ‘wrong’ evidence – all under the authority of skeptics or scientists (they do not possess mere mortal opinion). Generally any weaponized philosophy which allows them to dismiss that which threatens them, and keep that specific conclusion which they want to enforce on you. The goal being to issue a final disposition as quickly and as devastatingly as possible. In other words the exact opposite of skepticism, methodical cynicism.

To wit, these versions of poseur skepticism as defined by Skeptical Raptor, David Gorski in his propaganda blog (please note the last highlighted item constitutes an illuminating circular appeal to authority):2

  1. an attitude of doubt or a disposition to incredulity either in general or toward a particular object;
  2. the doctrine that true knowledge or knowledge in a particular area is uncertain; or
  3. the method of suspended judgment, systematic doubt, or criticism that is characteristic of skeptics.

Not one of the expressions in red pertains to true skepticism by any stretch of the imagination. In other words, they employ the very prejudices and practices which Moon landing skeptics, flat-Earthers, and 9/11 truthers use to raise question inside clearly settled subjects bearing overwhelming evidence. Those who undertake Antifa-styled public vilification, charades of critical thinking, and court defined malice and oppression all in the name of science.

Be cautious of doubt, especially that doubt which methodically selects its targets and meticulously avoids the critical path and probative – as such is the habit of the person in whom there exists no doubt whatsoever.

A Gorskisser wouldn’t know science if it sat on their face and p-valued. Science to them, is nothing but a cudgel and means of leverage to rulership. Closely watch their patterns of idea suppression, topical disdain, and personal hatred of targeted individuals. This species of obtuse and arrogant princess culture overlaps heavily with Nietzsche’s bildungsphilister class of activist, a subset of the anomie of this entire arrogant club.


/philosophy : rhetoric : pretender/ : a philistine possessed of a facile, cosmetic culture. Someone who reads articles and reviews and imagines themselves to be cultured and educated but lacks genuine, critical or introspective erudition. Nitzsche’s name for the pseudo-intellectual class of social activist. Bildungsphilisters are prone to dogmatic, cliched, and unsubtle responses to events and things. An activist who sees a majority vote which goes their way as ‘democracy’ and one which does not as ‘populism’. One who sees arguments which indicate their view, as being scientific, and those which do not, as pseudoscientific. Political and scientific constructs are mere artifices to be used and cast aside when not to their advantage. They wallow in rhetoric, apothegm and bear the inability to discern sophistry; vulnerable yet to it.  A member of social skepticism or Nassim Taleb’s Intellectual Yet Idiot (IYI) class.

Goodhart’s Law of Skepticism: Once you self-identify as ‘representing scientists, science, or skepticism’ – you cease to be any of those things.

Anomie – a condition in which a club, group or society provides little or negative ethical guidance to the individuals which inhabit it or craft its direction.​

“Whenever you have someone who is a professional skeptic, you should be suspicious of them.” ~ Deepak Chopra

Moreover, if this were all simply a fever of individual stupidity, it would still be harmless as a social factor. Unfortunately for mankind, such is not the case.

The rules are simple: they lie to us, we know they’re lying, they know we know they’re lying, but they keep lying to us, and we keep pretending to believe them. ~Elena Gorokhova, A Mountain of Crumbs

From Bildungsphilister to Cabal

A cabal is detected not through their unity in message, but rather their unity in ignorance. A cabal is a consensus of ignorance.

A social philosopher once said “I do not fear robots thinking like humans, as much as I fear humans thinking like robots.” Indeed social skeptics mindlessly function inside a false philosophical construct stemming from either an inability to understand the philosophy underlying science, or suffering from being mis-taught its principles.

Social skepticism is the philosophical basis of agenda-generated false authoritative representations (a.k.a, ‘agency‘) of the conclusions of science (pseudoscience is the pretense of representing science). This is why it most often surfaces inside its use by science communicators and science enthusiasts. This errant philosophy employs questionable a priori abduction combined with stacked risky provisional inductive reasoning, both employed as a masquerade of science method in order to enforce a belief set as being based upon science, when in reality it is not.

Social skepticism is a sponsored activist movement on the part of a self appointed bien pensant; those who function as an integral part of the socially engineered mechanisms attempting to dominate human thought, health, welfare and education. This domination serving as means to a twisted and extreme form of epistocracy; a subjugation of all mankind’s value under mandated totalitarian institutions. Institutions which avert legal exposure by abusing skepticism to serve their goals. Ends formulated by a social elite; however, which stand threatened by innate elements of mankind’s being and background.

Skeptics have had to be taught how to behave over the last 20 years in particular. As a result of their malpractices so-called fringe ideas, both valid and invalid, have grown dramatically in subscribership. If such a fringe subject bears validity, then of course its cynics were always in error. If however, the fringe subject is invalid, its ensuing popularity too is the fault of the pseudo skeptic – and for the same reasons.

Fake moon landing and flat earth proponents have learned to employ the very same methods which have been taught by fake skepticism in the targeting of disliked ideas over the last 60 years. The chickens of failed philosophy have come home to roost – and the blame for this resides squarely with our floundering skeptics.

Most of the so-called skeptics who influence media and seek to intimidate scientists, sponsors and researchers today, are not skeptics at all.  Rather they are the opposite of a skeptic, an apparatchik – a blindly devoted official, follower, or organization member, of a corporation, club or political party. One who either ignorantly or obdurately lacks any concern or circumspection ability which might prompt them to examine the harm their activities may serve to cause. One who seeks the celebrity boost incumbent through fomenting conflict between media and science versus the general public whom those entities ostensibly serve.

The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of…in almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons…who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind, who harness old social forces and contrive new ways to bind and guide the world.

~ Propaganda, Edward Bernays

Individuals expressing belief superiority—the belief that one’s views are superior to other viewpoints—perceive themselves as better informed about that topic… [However} Despite perceiving themselves as more knowledgeable, knowledge assessments revealed that the belief superior exhibited the greatest gaps between their perceived and actual knowledge. When given the opportunity to pursue additional information in that domain, belief-superior individuals frequently favored agreeable over disagreeable information, but also indicated awareness of this bias.3

~ Raimi-Hall Belief Superiority Study

False skeptics bear the habit of forming negative impact, fake informative, social intimidation clubs, often enlisting the aid of angry punks or academics pretending/wishing to possess the credibility of a scientist. They seek to issue appeal to authority scientific conclusions, without conducting any scientific method, and then issue such claims to the public, preemptively in lieu of and as if on behalf of science.

Philosophy, including skepticism, cannot step in and act on behalf of science. This is a critical tenet of scientific philosophy. Science is a method, based upon a discipline of thought and accrued-active direct observation, and is never legitimately conducted through armchair or social rationalization under the guise of ‘critical thinking’.

These fakers straw man that every scientific inquiry outside of their club’s ‘judgements’, authorizations to study and self confirmed authority, constitutes an act of ‘belief’. ‘Pseudosciences’ or ‘extraordinary claims’ they call these unauthorized actions and domains. They believe that a judgement must be reached on every matter of inquiry, in the here and now and by means of only the paltry evidence one already holds. These final conclusive claims of fake skeptics are conducted in lieu of science, mostly adopted in absence of any evidence whatsoever, and are not plied simply upon the upon claims themselves. The ultimate goal is to ply them imperiously to discredit the topic, the sponsors, the victims, the public, wayward scientists, and any budding scientists who might consider unauthorized ideas. This constitutes malice and a corruption of science in the public trust.

Through a straw man of science, skeptics seek to foment conflict between the public and science – a state wherein their club gains authority and scientists are perceived as the denial-enemy. An enemy which you must fear, mistrust and marginalize. Upon sensing this, scientists begin to see the public as a frothing, anti-science horde, who cannot fathom what they have to say, and must be ignored.

Social skepticism is an ideologue driven enforcement of various social epistemologies crafted to obfuscate mankind’s understanding of reality, science and such innate elements of its being. Its members practice a form of vigilante bullying, employed in lieu of science to dismiss disliked subjects, persons, and evidence before they can ever see the light of scientific day. Seeking to establish as irrefutable truth a core philosophy of material monism, dictating that only specific authorized life physical and energy domains exist. A comprehensive program of enforcement sought accordingly, through rather than the risk of ethical scientific methodology, instead a practice of preemptive methodical cynicism and provisional knowledge which underpins an embargo policy regarding, cultivates ignorance and institutionalizes intimidation surrounding any subject which could ostensibly serve as a pathway to falsify their power enabling illusory religion of Nihilism.

“…-here is the key take-away: it’s not about ideas or ideologies anymore; it’s purely about the pleasures of coercion, of pushing other people around.”4

~James Howard Kunstler, “Beyond Cynicism: America Fumbles Towards Kafka’s Castle”

Doubt Abused to Cultivate Ignorance


Social skepticism is a club, bearing an agenda which employs Bernaysian Engineering of Beliefs; leveraging fake a priori deduction methods combined with biased and risk-bearing stacked provisional abductive reasoning, both employed as a masquerade of science method in order to enforce on the general public, a belief set as being scientific, when it is not. It is an abuse of Cartesian Doubt as a racket of a priori, simplistic, provisional, risk-ignorant knowledge, self delusion and methodical cynicism. It seeks an embargo of certain aspects of man’s knowledge development process.

It rejects Philosophical Skepticism and employs Empirical Skepticism only when its tenets support specific knowledge embargo agendas. Instead of tendering mute disposition on any topic which science has not studied, Social skepticism corrupts science into Methodical Cynicism employed to squelch such research and enforces false interpretations of scientific conclusions to support its embargo goals. The following is extracted from the Eight Tropes of Ethical Skepticism about the habits of humanity towards knowledge and control. These most negative of human traits stand indeed as the characteristic pitfalls of social skepticism:

IV.  Even what we do know is filtered through the lens of Machiavellian desires for supreme power, unless we take action to prevent such.

V.   The corrupt nature of human social intelligence is to construct elaborate contrivances of (self) deception; to constrain and expire itself inside the actions of methodical cynicism, provisional knowledge and ignorance, if left unchecked.

Methodical Cynicism – a method of cultivating ignorance through corruption of the process which regulates our social and scientific understanding. The exploitation of denial mandating a personal belief set while at the same time tendering an affectation of science.

Provisional Knowledge – the contrivance of a series of purposed provisional arguments, into a stack of probable explanations wherein we ignore the increasing unlikelihood of our conclusions and simply consider the stack of plurality to be plausible; and eventually by Neuhaus’s Law, rendering any other idea proscribed.

Ignorance – the action of blinding one’s self to an eschewed reality through a satiating and insulating culture and lexicon.

These are the three tools of social skepticism. It is a pretender philosophy, seeking to mask itself with science and academia, and hoping to convince the public at large that it represents the conclusions of society therein.

Social skepticism is a corruption of the public trust. No different than political corruption, it functions via a masque of legitimacy, which belies an underbelly of nefarious activity and flawed method. Not all the conclusions of those in the social skepticism movement are wrong. In fact most of the movement’s conclusions to date regarding true science are indeed correct. It is however, the method employed to derive those conclusions which is corrupt and not the conclusions themselves. All mafia’s will demonstrate acts of charity and highly touted correctness in order to tender an appearance of legitimacy. But it is the methods of their gaining and keeping power, which differentiate a mafia from a group operating inside the public trust.

The methods of social skepticism support specific institutions, a specific religion called nihilism and specific form of post-democratic government called tyflocracy. The movement employs correct answers as a lure, science as a costume and push slogan driven justifications of a flawed method of knowledge development.  A method which transfers power from the hands of science and the public, directly into their hands alone.

The Corrupt Backbone of Social Skepticism


The cartel which resulted employs false methods of skepticism which exploit candidate member youthful anger for recruiting purposes. Their rejection of religion, establishment and/or the paranormal is utilized as a method of screening, unifying and training of those who are most susceptible to indoctrination into this activist pathway. Crafting ideologues so sure of their correctness, that any means of social shaming, career damage, or personal defamation could be justified in the destruction of ‘enemies of science’. Activists of sufficient academic intelligence to be able to understand some science, develop a simple argument and regurgitate short idea concepts or apothegms in journal, skepticism or media channels. Rational, yet still not intelligent enough to observe a game of counter intelligence nor their role therein. Energized, yet not energized enough to actually delve into real research regarding their requisite quiver of agenda items and positions.

This prostituting of smart-but-dumb players, Nassim Taleb’s Intelligent Yet Idiot class, is a common tradecraft in intelligence circles. It is the essence of modern skepticism today.

In its most concise definition, social skepticism is the deontologically correct moniker for the group of social epistemologists, bearing a group psychology and religious motivation behind methods of Hyper and Hypo Epistemology. These social epistemologies are practiced by members of social skepticism, who are called social skeptics.  Social skepticism derives its name from the similar set of practices employed by the political-counter-intelligence socialist control agencies of Eastern Europe (KI, Okhrana, AVH or East German Stasi), during the 1953 – 1983 era of the Cold War.  They combine these social control methodologies with effective tactics of oppressive Abrahamism which they observe as their precedent. It is an organized method of Social Engineering Tradecraft characterized by specific and consistent actions, proven effective in Cold War era or socialist societies, which now resides at the core of modern American social skepticism. While not all individual social skeptics practice this entire list of unethical actions, the group as a whole orchestrates it, with various members performing different tasks:

skepsoc II
  • informal organizations never held to public or peer accountability
  • staffed by a variety of non-science persons who volunteer time extra-professionally
  • claiming to represent correctness or the well being of the people
  • organized and personal public and celebrity ridicule tactics, attacks, defamation and tortious interference
  • attempts to blackmail, approach employers, publicly humiliate or anonymously harass
  • ‘investigators’ pretending to do scientific inquiry
  • academic celebrity promotion, agent, and publicist employment
  • scientific method masquerades, pretense of representing science
  • propaganda one liners, catch phrases, weapon words and circular recitations
  • domination of education unions and systems
  • enforcement of informal professional penalties for dissent
  • funded legal intimidation of those who dissent
  • squelching of free speech through warnings to media and celebrity intimidation
  • enlisting the aid of government agencies to enforce data screening
  • proselytization of children and intimidation of teachers
  • screening and qualification of those allowed into science and technical academia
  • media forum and publication channel policing and monitoring and
  • intimidation, monitoring and control of scientists and researchers

The Nature of Malevolence – Science as Means of Control

lie of allegiance2

Social skepticism at its root both is, and stems from, an active shortfall in integrity. It is motivated by ten particular psychologies of anger, emotional impairment and the desire for revenge and control. It is often (but differs by individual practitioner of course) exclusively, politically motivated, crony mafia network connected, anti-capital, pro-oligopoly, pro-monopoly, pro-academic, anti-individualist, anti-free enterprise, pro-information control, and pro-social economics and institutions.  Make no mistake, this is the heart and soul of Western social skepticism today. It is crafted to promote through the guise of atheism, a lie of allegiance masking a distinctly different mandatory religion, Nihilsm. A religion which seeks to dominate mankind for the benefit of a specific Oligarchy – a goal which is no different than any mainline religion.

In similar fashion to the tactic of falsely employing atheism to mask a religious agenda of Nihilism, Social skeptics falsely employ the guise of skepticism as a means of controlling the professional and social discourse of science, and control access to the scientific method. The key difference between social skepticism and true skepticism resides in this:

Ethical Skeptics apply skepticism as one of a set of tools employed inside a life characterized by open curiosity, discipline, observation. They continually investigate in order to ask the right question in accordance with the scientific method; not defend the right answer. They bear paramount, the personal and professional ethic of defending the integrity of the knowledge development process. Skepticism is a way of preparing the mind and data sets, in order to accomplish science.

Social skeptics adorn skepticism as a pseudo-identity, apply intimidation and doubt only to subjects they disdain, and enforce an embargo regarding any and all observations or science which might serve to undermine their Cabal authorized ontology. They eschew data collection; instead undertaking social activism and unethical activity, any means necessary to enforce the ‘right answer’ and secure the power of their sponsor institutions. Social skeptics abuse skepticism to act in lieu of science, not as subset thereof.

Skeptical thought practices are fine, and the mental discipline is a useful technique in science.  I contend that many social skeptics have not fully evaluated the net negative effect, long term, of their actions.  At a first layer acumen, they believe they are adding value to society.  I contend that the correctness gain they impart is not worth the value loss we suffer.  An example definition, which elicits this ethical contrast so well, is often cited as the definition of ‘skepticism’ by members of the propaganda push network:

“Skepticism is an approach to evaluating claims that emphasizes evidence and applies tools of science.”

This is abjectly false, as philosophy cannot be exploited to countermand, evaluate in lieu of, nor decide matters on behalf of science. The purpose of philosophy is to discipline mindset, not dictate epistemological conclusions.

One should investigate the unexplained, not feign science in order to explain the uninvestigated.

I'm a Skeptic Karfunkle terrified by

Skepticism is no such thing. Even if it were the legitimate role of philosophy, to act in lieu of science, which it is not – skepticism features no mechanisms of peer review through which to constrain the ‘conclusions’ of those seeking power or possessing the desire to abuse and harm others. For these reasons, only science can evaluate claims.

Real skepticism is a way of preparing the mind to do actual science. One cannot solve the world’s perplexities through simply skepticism and critical thinking. This is a ruse. The above definition affords the social skeptic the tacit luxury of making judgements without evidence, rigor or method; and pretending to speak on behalf of science – when in fact no science has actually been done at all. It is a form of vigilante bullying, employed to dismiss evidence before it can ever see the light of science.

Moreover, just because the conclusion may turn out to be right in the end, does not qualify the practice used to derive it as being scientific. That errant practice can further then be used for malicious lobbying on behalf of special interests or to squelch topics which threaten those interests. This compromise in philosophy runs pandemic in the modern social skepticism movement, relegating its practitioners to the role of unwitting pawns.

Many other social skeptics do not practice skepticism at all, rather acting as posers who have clung onto science as a personal masque over the effort to maintain the perch of correctness, to be right at all costs, in an effort to insulate themselves from subjects which threaten them.  This as much as anything, an attempt to protect repressed emotional conflicts, and exercise a personal preference toward institutional violation of the mind as a self-punishing sacrifice of personal integrity.  Some repress a hatred for people on the opposite end of the political spectrum; legitimizing this hate through tendering the appearance of scientific correctness and authority.  All of this coalesces into a socialized structure of tyranny.

Social skeptics rely upon the certainty that no one will hold them accountable, nor will history recall their ill intended work; yet the Cabal will tender them glory and celebrate the brilliance of their one-liners today. Their self-purported value in improving the quality of science is in reality, limited.

Discourse with a social skeptic is less about the topic and more about avenues of personal disdain, which club they can categorize you into, followed by an exercise in self-aggrandizement on the part of the role-playing social skeptic. They are neither accountable to their victims, nor do they hold each other to standards of conduct and peer review.

An unethical social cabal, who’s detriment in obscuring and blocking breaking science, far outweighs their scant value in armchair target debunking the same 768 subjects over and over again. Their vociferous levels of disdain and smug insistence are indicative of and in direct proportion to the unsettling lack of integrity which privately haunts their conscience; their will broken by institutional violation of the mind.

Unfortunately it is we the public and the science community who suffer, victims of their imposed system of social finality. Yes social skeptics practice pseudoscience.  But employment of that broad term is not specific enough to enable enlightenment of the minds of the victims (scientists and the lay public).  The broader term fails to distinguish and illuminate the specific methods of pseudoscience involved in their specialized forms of deception, as distinct from the general actions of mystical bunk peddling, fake claims to having employed the scientific method, or pretense of representing science.

We end now with the ‘Ten Pillars’ – the key motivation behind this specialized form of psychopathy.

The Psychological Motivation       The Ten Pillars

I.             Social Category and Non-Club Hatred
II.            Narcissism and Personal Power
III.           Promotion of Personal Religious Agenda
IV.           Emotional Psychological Damage/Anger
V.            Overcompensation for a Secret Doubt
VI.           Fear of the Unknown
VII.          Effortless Argument Addiction
VIII.         Magician’s Deception Rush
IX.           Need to Belittle Others
X.            Need to Belong/Fear of Club Perception

The Ethical Skeptic, “Background on Social Skepticism”; The Ethical Skeptic, WordPress, 2 May 2012; Web,

  1. 1Skeptical Raptor: What is skepticism?
  2.  Michael P.Hall, Kaitlin T.Raimi; Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, Volume 76, May 2018, Pages 290-306;Is belief superiority justified by superior knowledge?;
  3. James Howard Kunstler, “Beyond Cynicism: America Fumbles Towards Kafka’s Castle”; The American Conservative; 21 Dec 2017;
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