Master Exothermic Core-Mantle Decoupling – Dzhanibekov Oscillation (ECDO) Theory

Recent climate change may stem from structural and exothermic phase changes in the Earth’s nickel-iron core, rather than solely from human carbon and methane generating activity. Lattice structure changes in shed core material release latent kinetic energy (heat), which flows to the asthenosphere and abyssal ocean depths. This process could be the primary driver of observed climate change, the rapid ocean heating of 2023, methane outpacing climate model projections, and a long-associated weakening of the Earth’s geomagnetic dipole.

The unique features observed on the Khufu and especially Khafre Pyramids suggest a sustained oceanic displacement lasting 10 to 50 years, which inundated the Giza Plateau in antiquity. This inundation reached a height of 576 feet above current sea level, leaving a distinctive ocean water karst erosion band near the top of the Khafre Pyramid. The sustained and stable nature of this inundation strongly suggests that it was caused by a change in the georotational dynamics of the Earth sometime within the last fourteen millennia. This constitutes ‘dead body’ evidence, and it must be addressed. This evidence, along with its supporting predictive observations, have been neglected through professional buffoonery.

Periodically, the Earth’s core loses its magnetic moment and decouples from the outer rotational body (ORB), which includes the mantle and crust. This decoupling causes a shift in the geographic axis of rotation along the 31st East meridian, moving towards South Africa. The process is facilitated by the lubricating effect of exothermic H-layer material shed from the core. These effects enable the Earth’s outer rotational body to shift from today’s goemagnetic mechanical equilibrium, to a 104-degree rotated momentum-conserving gyroscopic one. This cyclical and violent process may be the impetus behind many world flood myths, as well as being reflected in the inner design and function of the Khufu Pyramid itself.

Critical Path Conclusion

It is our contention that we are now well past an Indigo Point of exothermic core-mantle decoupling and that we have incorrectly interpreted the heat presented by this transpiration as being caused solely by human activity. While we don’t conjecture an interval for this catastrophic cycle, and cannot predict when the next instance will occur, we nonetheless cite that there exists an urgent need to consider the possibility and detect the approach of a subsequent Tau Point Dzhanibekov gyroscopic oscillation in Earth’s rotation. Such a rotation will likely reproduce the cataclysmic inundation we see marked into the Tura limestone casing of the Khafre Pyramid and which is contained inside many ancient cultural mythologies.

Man himself has proved to be a greater threat to our knowledge and understanding than any natural disaster ever could be.

Until we mature spiritually, we will perpetually believe that we were created out of clay or recently and amazingly evolved from a dissimilar yet extinct species.

Every ancient library burned, every inscription erased, every sculpture smitten, every artifact easily explained, reburied, and ignored – all in the name of The True God and The True Science.

As long as our hearts remain in this darkened state, so too will our past be equally opaque, and our present a constant series of paradoxes.


The Ethical Skeptic, “Master Exothermic Core-Mantle Decoupling – Dzhanibekov Oscillation Theory”; The Ethical Skeptic, WordPress, 23 May 2024; Web,

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Hey TES, nice work as usual, you are doing this at cost, so it is OK, to shower you with compliments so you keep up the great work :) 1) I know that you are on the Dzhanibekov train now, but I would like to know what you think on the Younger Dryas Extinction event theory and what are the chances that that the recurring death star that brings meteorites as presented by Hancock and Carlson is also true. I know that people are annoyed with certain details that Hancock is presenting but I have to give the man his… Read more »


The last phrase I meant that in case of a axis-flip that would bring the alleged Antarctica pyramid where the other Pyramid is about now


Give it a rest, buddy. Your cryptic comments all over the blog are NOT appreciated. We all recognize this as an attempt to deceive.

John Day

New video by Ben Davidson details his predicted new north and south poles:

John Day

I must add that Ben has become aware of this work you have done and cites it in this video update. You have impressed him.

Craig Stone

Stumbled across this video from 2017. Rigid-body physics with no decoupling accounted for. Great visualization nonetheless.


Makes me wonder if the Tartaria/Mud Flood “conspiracy theory” was disinformation crafted to get ahead of the truth of a cyclical catastrophe and poison the well on more legitimate theories like this one.

Zod YinYang

Disinfo is de jure.
Hiding something, by creating many falsehoods somewhat similar, goes way back:
You have your work cut out.


Ethical, after the oscillation will the earth’s rotation still be perpendicular to the solar ecliptic? Or will it continue along the current axis, though at the “new” angle nearly horizontal to the ecliptic?

I’m just curious if there will be a night and day, or will one side of the earth be mostly light and the other mostly dark.

John Day

Thank you for grouping these 3 essays, Sir Skeptic. I had to link to the second one to explain the third one to somebody, after I had disseminated it. Of course the trilogy is better. The question remains about how to discern when a “bad-enough” decoupling would occur, followed by wondering how rapidly it would progress, and what assumptions about industrial society might remain valid, if any, once the progression became common knowledge. This 12,000 year cycle of the rotating galactic current sheet, from the center of our Milky Way, inducing currents in the Earth’s mantle and magnetic pole shifts,… Read more »

John Day

I closed this blog post, “Empire Off Balance” with the link to this trilogy and a brief explanation of your thesis.

Zod YinYang

Ben Davidson is a ltd hangout.

For example, the Vostok ice core goes back hundreds of thousands of years. Vostok has remained polar for a LONG time. There is a crustal displacement (pole shift), but it’s a mere 30 degrees back & forth (meridian 30), which just so happens to oscillate Vostok either side of the pole.

Laughably, Davidson suggests that Vostok could be elevated to high altitude in order to preserve its permafrost – at the equator… ROFL

‘Rotating galactic current sheet’? WTF?
‘Micronovas’ ???


Zod YinYang

Anyway, yes, electric vehicle & rechargeable battery technology is being spurred, primarily because ‘fossil fuel’ extraction, refinement, and distribution aren’t going to survive the cataclysm, and will take a long time to rebuild.
Anthropogenic climate change is a cover story. The climate is determined entirely by latitude, which occurs upon pole shift. Thus the temperature of The Earth’s biosphere remains essentially constant in geological time.


I love to entertain the possibility that all this is true and the ‘flipping’ is coming our way. However, like all existential events, I don’t think that this going to play out in my lifetime, even if we are overdue by a thousand years for the next Dzhanibekov shift, or …. specially because we are overdue by a thousand years :) . Think of it like this: assume that the phenomenon is a re-occurring shift with a period that is unkown. If you only know that we have been awaiting for such a shift for a couple thousand years. What… Read more »